

The text book Introduction to Computational Biology: An Evolutionary Approach comes with the bioinformer software, which illustrates a number of data structures and algorithms commonly used in bioinformatics. The following sections contain links to additional programs developed by us that implement ideas treated in the main text.

Chapter 3

Suffix Trees

  1. drawStrees: Program for interactively drawing generalized suffix trees.
  2. shustring: Program for identifying shortest unique substrings (=shustrings) in DNA or protein sequences.

Keyword Trees

Chapter 7

  1. Pattern Scanning with Profiles
  2. SGP-1: Syntenic Gene Prediction Program
  3. gff2aplot: Pair-wise alignment-plots for genomic sequences in PostScript/

Chapter 11

  1. drawWrightFisher: Program for visualizing evolution in a Wright-Fisher population.
  2. coalator: Program for drawing random gene genealogies.
  3. drawGenealogy: Program for drawing random family histories.

Chapter 12