./hitchhikingAs a result, the options are listed:
-n <NUM> sample size = NUM -N <NUM> population size = NUM -r <NUM> rate of recombination = NUM; 0 <= NUM <= 1 -S <NUM> selectiv advantage of advantageous allele = NUM; 0 <= NUM <= 1; NUM = 0 neutrality [-t <NUM> scaled mutation parameter = NUM; only for -v 1; NUM >= 0] [-d <NUM> number of steps simulated in the logistic model = NUM; default NUM = 1000] [-w <NUM> run Wright Fisher model with NUM iterations; default NUM = 0] [-y <NUM> run exact Yule model with NUM iterations; default NUM = 0] [-l <NUM> run logistic model with NUM iterations; default NUM = 0] [-k <NUM> run starlike model with NUM iterations; default NUM = 0] [-s <NUM> seed for random number generator = NUM; default: NUM = system clock] [-v <NUM> verbosity; 0: sweep only, 1: add neutral phase; default NUM = 0] [-h print this help message]An example run of hitchhiking might look as follows:
./hitchhiking -n 12 -N 100000 -S 0.01 -r 0.001 -w 1and generates output similar to
n 12 N 100000 S 0.010 r 0.0010 w 1 \ y 0 l 0 k 0 s 1146268877 Case cinb btoB FSizes WriF 0 0 8 1 1 1 1where ' \' indicates continuation of a line. This output has the following structure:
More detailed output can be obtained using verbosity level 1. In this case the user should also set a mutation rate; for example
./hitchhiking -n 12 -N 100000 -S 0.01 -r 0.001 -w 1 -t 5 -v 1might generate
n 12 N 100000 S 0.010 r 0.0010 w 1 \ y 0 l 0 k 0 s 1146269119 Case Spec C S M K H thetaW thetaPi tajimasD WriF (1.428302,1.013126,0.213380,0.000000,0.001960,0.000000,0.000000,\ 0.231102,1.000548,0.000000,0.000000) (2,1,0,0,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,0) 15\ 8 0.513889 4.967089 4.621212 -0.298973The first two lines of this output are unchanged compared to the first run. The third line lists in tab-delineated format